Skinny to Muscular in 1 Month

“The best chance at achieving this would be to utilize those newbie gains and maximize each factor.”

Cover image credit: Nickroybal This image represents a 9-year transformation, not 1 month.

So you have 30 days to go from skinny to muscular and you want to know, can it be done? Maybe you want to impress a certain someone or look good for a photo shoot or wedding. Perhaps you’re just impatient! That’s ok if you are because putting on muscle and looking good is an exciting thing. 

If you want to put on the most muscle possible in 30 days, it’s going to require commitment, consistency, and hard work. Not to mention, a lot of willpower. Of course, the most effective method with sure-fire results would be using physically enhancing drugs, but in this article, we assume that you’re seeking an all-natural approach. So, what kind of progress can be made in a month?

Is it even possible?

Outside of drug use, a total body transformation in just one month is highly difficult, but not impossible. A few factors to consider are your starting point, experience, diet, and of course, genetics. 

“Muscle memory” is a real thing. If you were fit in the past, even years ago, regaining that muscle is going to be much easier than gaining it for the first time. Even someone who is active and plays sports will have a small advantage when it comes to lifting weights. This is due to neuromotor activity and pathways in the brain. 

Someone who lives a relatively sedentary lifestyle, with little to no experience in sports or weight lifting will face the greatest challenge when trying to pack on mass in a short amount of time. However, there is a bright side. Individuals who are weight training for the first time experience something called, “newbie gains”. This is a phenomenon that occurs when the lifter’s brain is making new connections and pathways, becoming proficient in various resistance movements for the first time. This results in rapid gains! 

Skinny to muscular in 1 month, eh? The best chance at achieving this would be to utilize those newbie gains and maximize each factor.

Diet is going to play a massive role in your 1 month journey. Eating clean and healthy will absolutely optimize your results. Also, counting your calories will help. The two main things your body needs to build muscle are protein and calories. 

The agreed-upon optimal protein intake for building muscle is 0.8-1.0g per pound of body weight. If you weigh 160lbs, shoot for 160g of protein. If this is difficult, consider purchasing some protein powder or focus on protein-rich food sources such as meat, dairy, or beans. 

For calories, you must eat more than you burn. This is called eating in a caloric surplus or bulking. This means consuming more food than you’re used to, and it is usually difficult for hardgainers or skinny guys. Simply Google “How to bulk” or visit for tutorials on bulking and gaining muscle. We have multiple articles such as, How to Lean Bulk and 9 Tips to Add Calories

This approach is going to yield good results if you’re underweight. However, if you’re carrying around a few extra pounds but are still skinny (also known as skinny-fat) you might actually benefit from a small caloric deficit.

The strategy is essentially the same, but you’ll be restricting you calories by 200-300 per day. If you’re a newbie at lifting, you’ll still gain muscle while losing the small amount of fat you have. This can be doubly beneficial, as leaning out will allow your new muscle to be more visible.

Goals and expectations

One of the most important and critical steps to a 1 month transformation is setting realistic goals and set attainable expectations. 

You’re not going to look like Dwayne Johnson after 30 days. You’re not even going to look like half of Dwayne Johnson, actually. 

If you follow a solid program, eat a lot, and stay consistent, you’ll probably look like someone who works out. And that’s pretty good if you ask me. An impressive physique often takes years to sculpt, and you won’t find any secret shortcuts that can get you there in a month. 

You shouldn’t expect more than a few pounds of fat loss, and a few pounds of muscle gained. That being said, this could transform one’s body and the results would be amazing. 

How to optimize results

To get the most out of your month, you may think that working out every day will yield the best results. This is not true. Your body will need to recover. After all, your body repairs and builds new muscle while you’re resting. 

You’ll want to follow a workout routine. This can be any routine, as long as you choose one and stay consistent. If you don’t know where to start, simply Google, “workout programs for beginners” or visit for a selection of free downloadable options. Remember, any program is better than no program. 

I would highly recommend a PPL routine if you want to maximize your gains. There are many variations and versions of PPL, so do some research and find what you think will suit you. 

To make every day count, you’ll want to track your calories. This is possible with a pen and paper, or with one of many free apps, you can download on your phone. Myfitnesspal is free and a good choice. 

Be very cautious of burning out. If you have this goal in your mind, to get as ripped as possible in 30 days, you can’t afford any burnout. Burnout is when you train too hard and you have to recover for more than a day. If you only have 30 days, this could be disastrous. 

Stay focused on your goal. Whatever it is driving you to make this transformation happen in a single month, stay focused on it, and don’t lose hope. Find inspiration and motivation where you can. 

After 1 month

What do you do after the month is up? 

Assess your progress, first of all. Hopefully, you took measurements and photos of yourself. 

This is a great opportunity to audit your strategy. Ask yourself what you could do better. Even if you’re not impressed with the results, try again, do better. A month of training isn’t indicative of the whole journey. Professional and even casual bodybuilders commit years to their training. 

If you ate well and trained hard for a month, all anyone can really say is good job, keep it up. 

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