Mass Gainer Guide

“Regarding muscle protein synthesis, it doesn’t matter when you drink them. However, you’ll want to think strategically if packing in a lot of calories is difficult for you.”

Mass gainers, do they work? 

Well, the principles of energy balance always apply. If you are eating in a caloric surplus, some weight gain will occur. There is no magic ingredient in mass gainers, they simply offer individuals a convenient method of liquid calorie consumption. If, for example, you replaced your regular diet with mass gainer shakes, no change in weight would occur. These shakes should supplement a well-balanced diet. If implemented correctly, you’ll notice weight gain due to a caloric surplus.

A study in 2002 was done on seventy-three healthy, male subjects. They were given mass gainer shakes and put on a resistance training program 4 days a week, for 8 weeks. The subjects were found to have increased their muscle mass by approximately 7lbs.

There are many mass gainers on the market, but at the end of the day, they serve one purpose- to help one gain weight. It’s easy to fall for the fancy packaging and bold claims but you can actually save money by knowing what to look for.

What you’ll find in a mass gainer.

When reading the ingredients list, you’ll usually find:

Whey protein- Pretty much all mass gainers will have a whey protein added in, and this is ideal, as you’ll want to hit your daily protein intake anyway. 

Maltodextrin- Maltodextrin is a polysaccharide in powder form. Poly, meaning “multiple” and saccharide meaning “sugar”. This is a carbohydrate. Another fact about maltodextrin is that the ingredient is often used as a “filler” as it is dirt cheap and flavourless. 

Oat flour- Ground up oats. This is often used as a “filler” similar to maltodextrin. Usually, oat flour or maltodextrin will be the first ingredient in a mass gainer.

Dairy ingredients such as milk powder- Sometimes acts as a binding agent for food but is subsidized by the government and is found in a plethora of products across north america.

Various protein sources- Other cheap methods of adding in protein. Often from eggs or peas.

Sodium chloride- Salt. 

Xanthan gum or other gums- A stabilizer to prevent separation.

Cocoa powders, and natural flavouring. 

How to make your own mass gainer.

If mass gainer is mostly cheap filler with protein powder added to it, can I just make my own?

Yes, yes you can. In fact, mass gainers are often expensive, and making your own can lead to some considerable savings. 

Throw 2 cups of oats into a blender, blend them up into a fine powder. 


1 Banana

2 Tbsp of peanut butter

2 Scoops of protein powder

Fill with water

Calories: 829 Protein: 60g


5g of creatine

1 Tbsp of coconut oil +130

2 Tbsp cocoa powder

There are pros and cons to making your own. Its cheaper, you know what is in it, you can customize it to your needs. However, you have to make the shake everytime, only being able to pre-mix the dry ingredients. Also, the ingredients are likely going to separate over time, so you’ll want to drink it quicker. 

When to consume.

There’s no magic “metabolic window” where your shakes will be more effective. Regarding muscle protein synthesis, it doesn’t matter when you drink them. However, you’ll want to think strategically if packing in a lot of calories is difficult for you. Drinking your mass gainer in the morning after breakfast is a good option if you can stomach it, if not, immediately after your workout is a good idea too as you’ll likely be very hungry. 

All I really recommend here is that you don’t drink it at a time that will compromise your next meal and that you don’t leave it until the end of the day. If you put it off until late evening, it’s likely that you will forget or even disregard it entirely. 

If you’re having difficulty consuming.

Hey, it’s not easy. If you find that mass gainer shakes are hard to get down, you’re not alone. If you haven’t tried already, you can spread it throughout the day. Another option is to drink half, then add water again. This sounds counter-intuitive but the water will help. Initially you’ll expect it to feel like drinking more. However, the water will dilute it so its easier to drink, and the water will digest easily and quickly, leaving you hungry after.

One more tip to make drinking mass gainer easier is to simply add less powder. I know, I know. You don’t want to add less. Well, at the end of the day, what matters more? The fact that you tried to drink 4 scoops, or the fact that you successfully drank 3 scoops. If X amount of scoops is hard to drink, cut it back a bit until you can do it, and add a tablespoon per day until you’re back to the recommended serving size.

Mass gainers can be uncomfortable.

So you’ve just consumed your shake and now you’re sitting down because you feel an uncomfortable ache in your belly. That’s ok, you’re not alone. 

Sugars and artificial sweeteners are likely the culprits. They’re often added to mass gainers and protein powders to make them tastier, but end up hurting some people. We don’t digest these sweeteners and sugar alcohols as quickly, so they hang out in our intestines where fermentation can occur. This leads to the bloating, gas, and cramping that so many suffer from. Another factor is the sheer amount that you’re consuming. Too many carbs and sugars will often result in blood sugar spikes, sometimes causing nausea. 

To remedy this, try switching to a new brand. Cheaper protein blends will often make you uncomfortable after consumption, simply due to cheap ingredients and poor product testing. Years ago I decided to switch the brand of protein powder I use. Since a bag of protein isn’t cheap, and I wanted to try multiple brands, I decided to simply email the companies and politely ask for samples. Guess what happened? I was receiving packages at my door for two weeks straight, all loaded with protein powder packets. So don’t be shy, ask for samples. Many retail supplement stores will often have samples you can ask for, and many of the bigger retailers (GNC, Popeye’s) will give you free samples or swag bags if you spend a certain amount.

Don’t be afraid to try a natural or vegan blend. I’ve tried many, most of them taste similar to their animal sourced counterparts, and they could be what you need to leave behind the digestive issues. 


If you are eating a well-balanced healthy diet and you’re interested in gaining weight, I would recommend using a mass gainer to put you in the required surplus. Always read the label and know what you’re purchasing. If you don’t like the ingredients, or the price tag for that matter, make your own. If you don’t like my recipe, google more! There are lots out there.

At the end of the day, what really matters is that you are in a healthy caloric surplus. If you don’t want to use a mass gainer product, don’t! It’s absolutely not necessary.