5 Free Nutrition Courses

I can already tell you right now that this individual probably has what it takes to achieve great things physically and reach most of the goals they set for themselves. The fact that they were emailing me, seeking out advice, and doing their research extensively, likely puts them in the 1% of beginners. 

Going to the Gym for the First Time

There are different personalities and different types of people. Some people have the natural confidence to walk into a gym for the first time and start exercising with no hesitation, insecurities, or questions. This article is not for those people. If you’re reading this, you’re likely the opposite and have some barriers to pass before getting in the gym.

Best foods to eat for hardgainers

When it comes to gaining weight and building muscle, food is the necessary factor and some foods are far superior to others in terms of nutrition, protein content, and caloric density. We all know someone who can eat loads of fast food, chips, and cookies all while maintaining an impressive physique.

Should hardgainers do cardio?

So you’re a hardgainer trying to bulk up. You’re eating in a caloric surplus, you’re lifting weights, but should you, a hardgainer, do cardio? And if you do, how much and for how long?

How Does Beer Belly Happen and How to Lose it.

The phrase “beer belly” is actually a misnomer. The reason beer gets a bad reputation is due to its serving size and high caloric content when compared to other alcoholic drinks. One beer typically has 150 calories in it, while a shot of vodka has 97 calories and a glass of wine has approximately 83.

Do hardgainers have low testosterone?

There are hundreds if not thousands of factors to consider if one is having difficulty bulking up and gaining muscle, but it would be unlawful to say that low testosterone couldn’t be the culprit. However, it can be said that the younger a man is, the less likely low T is the cause of being a hardgainer. Let’s quickly review testosterone and move onto symptoms of low T.

Should a hardgainer cut or bulk?

We all have different starting points, but everyone has a starting point. Some of us are naturally skinny and have visible ribs while others are heavier and have unlucky fat distribution. Chances are, if you’re a hardgainer and haven’t been active for some time, you might define yourself as “skinnyfat”. Skinny-fat is a term describing … Read more