Building Bigger Arms for Skinny Guys

“To boost arm muscle growth, you’ll have to boost the training volume of all arm workouts. Luckily, there’s an easy way that doesn’t require you to remain in the gym for over three hours.”

Want to try out sleeveless shirts or tank tops on a sunny day with pride? Well, having bigger arms is essential. It naturally makes you feel confident. However, for skinny guys, this may seem like a farfetched idea, but it’s not. 

That being said, you shouldn’t invest your energy searching for the magic pill to beef up your skinny arms. If you want the quickest results, lifestyle change and muscle-targeted exercises will do. And this article shares the keys to bigger arms. Let’s start: 

Blood Flow Restriction Exercises

The blood flow restriction strategy will never fail you when it comes to gaining big arms. It entails a literal restriction of blood flowing to the arms. When blood pools in your arms they get pumped – it’s an important step to gaining larger arms. 

With blood flow restriction exercises, you are only restricting the flow of blood from the arm. Meanwhile, your arteries will work as normal, supplying blood to your arm muscles. Of course, this sounds painful but it’s not. You’re just activating the fast-twitch muscle fibers. As a result, your arms will experience crazy growth

Furthermore, this exercise is beneficial in other ways. It promotes the fast recovery of joints by taxing the rest of your body. Meanwhile, your arms could double in size as a result. During blood flow restriction workouts, you can employ superset biceps and triceps exercises. 

To get this right, take your knee wraps to wrap your arms and tighten them. Ensure they are comfortable on the arms instead of overly painful. For biceps, dumbbell curls while standing will do. And for triceps, rope pushdown is the best.

  • Dumbbell curls – standing: 30 reps x 3 set
  • Rope pressdown – Triceps: 30 reps x 3 sets (superset)
  • Dumbbell curls – standing:  15 reps x 3 set
  • Rope pressdown – Triceps: 15 reps x 3 sets (superset)

Increase Total Volume For Bigger Arms

Over the years, there has been a direct correlation between muscle growth and volume. And that’s the same concept you’ll utilize to grow your skinny arms. That being said, how many sets are you doing per week and you still don’t get a positive outcome? Well, you can double or triple those sets and achieve positive results. 

Also, you can up the number of times you train your arms weekly. But the trick here is increasing the volume gradually. Don’t force maximum reps and sets on the first week of training. Failure to do so, you risk gaining an arm injury. 

Leverage All Angles

In your arms, you’ve got two major muscles that control their movement. And that’s the triceps and biceps. The triceps primary role is extending your arms at the elbow joint while the biceps lift your arms and twist the wrists. Therefore, for maximum arm gain, you must leverage all angles during training. You can begin with a full stretch of the biceps by doing bicep curls on the incline bench 

Thereafter, do chin-ups with your biceps and then complete with a high-cable-pulley weight machine. Try a higher angle on the pulley machine for more impact. On the triceps, the overhead extension will do the trick. You can employ the following workouts:

  • French press Ez-Bar: 12 reps X 4 sets
  • High-cable-pulley curls: 12 reps X 4 sets
  • Bench press narrow-grip: 6-8 reps X 4 sets
  • Barbell curls – standing: 6-8 reps X 4 sets
  • Tricep dips – bodyweight: 15-20 reps X 4 sets 
  • Dumbbell curls – incline: 8-10 reps X 4 sets 


To boost arm muscle growth, you’ll have to boost the training volume of all arm workouts. Luckily, there’s an easy way that doesn’t require you to remain in the gym for over three hours. Employing supersets for both triceps and biceps workouts is the trick here. It will pump your arms with blood, ensuring it gets nourished sufficiently. 

During biceps and triceps training, there’s an antagonistic movement. For starters, when working out your biceps, the triceps gets fully extended. On the other hand, working out the triceps fully extends the biceps. 

Maximize the Shock Technique

Let’s face it, the body naturally resists any form of change. And gaining larger arms is a great change, thus, it will fight it. Bigger arms are metabolically taxing, therefore, your body will naturally prefer smaller arms. To force this change and evoke the growth of arm muscles, the shocking method is the trick. 

The idea here is to introduce intense training workouts from time to time during arm training. Shocking workouts are meant to overload your arm muscles when your body least expects it. You can try exercises like running the rack, pyramids, drop sets, and supersets. 

One Inch Growth in 24 hours

Ever heard of this workout routine for a quick build-up of arm muscles? Well, it exists, however, it’s known to be brutal with a lot of criticism from people. But it also has a share of good merits. It’s a program that specifically targets muscles that increase through overload. Also, you’ve got to combine it with good nutrition to maximally benefit from your effort. 

Don’t Forget Nutrition 

Nutrition is an essential part of building bigger arms. Without proper nutrition, you’ll be wasting your effort on the above exercises. That being said, you’ll have to change your eating habits, “eating as a madman” will do here. From your mirror, over 70% of the positive outcome is all thanks to proper nutrition. 

After workouts, ensure you’re consuming nutrient-rich foods. Those with high protein quality will do here. Also, track your calorie intake to avoid gaining excessively or not gaining at all. To gain up to an inch of arm muscles, you’ll need to boost your body weight by 10 pounds. 

Final Take 

Lastly, if you want a quick transformation from skinny arms to bigger arms, you’ve got to work for it. With the above tips, achieving your goal is easy. Just invest more time in the gym and eat like never before. Remember to balance between calories and proteins. Yes, you want bigger arms, but most importantly, they must be muscular, not round and flabby.