Can You Slow Down Metabolism?

“There is something that most of us take every single day that has been linked to increased metabolism.”

Have you ever had someone comment on your “fast metabolism”? Truthfully, it’s not a thoughtful remark to make, because we don’t know others’ metabolic rate. Everyone is different and although the foundation of our metabolic process is largely genetic, there are factors that influence it on a daily basis. 

I got the “fast metabolism” comment on a weekly basis when I was a teenager. Since there were very little resources online for weight gain, I instead searched for “how to speed up metabolism” and figured I could try these tips in reverse. 

Ok, please stop laughing. 

As it turns out, healthy habits like quality sleep, hydration, good food, and exercise all help regulate the hormones that influence your metabolism. Abolishing any of these habits would slow down your metabolism but at the cost of your health. 

So are there any safe methods of slowing down your metabolism for the purpose of weight gain? 

How metabolism works

Every cell in your body is working and processing chemical reactions constantly, and this takes energy. A lot of these processes are linked together like a production line. All of these chemical reactions are collectively called “metabolism”.

Breaking down glucose is how most of our cells obtain energy. This process produces an energy-carrying molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as a byproduct. ATP is often referred to as the “energy currency” of cells. 

ATP captures the energy that is produced from our food being broken down, and releases it around the body to fuel cellular processes.  

Having a high metabolism simply means that your body is faster at breaking down these chemical reactions than your colleagues. 

Can these chemical reactions be slowed down?

Of course, but in a healthy way? Not really. There is something that most of us take every single day that has been linked to increased metabolism. 

Caffeine. This will be hard for many individuals but not impossible. It’s important not to quit cold turkey but to taper off. Avoid coffee, soda, black tea, green tea, dark chocolate, energy drinks, and pre-workout supplements. 

You already know about de-Caffe, but there are also many caffeine-free pre-workout supplements available. 

It’s a good thing. 

Having a fast metabolism feels like a curse, but it’s not. It can make weight gain a struggle, but you’ve won a small genetic lottery. A fast metabolism is considered healthy because it means your body can eliminate bad fats and toxins quickly. You’ll also have more energy than an individual with a slower metabolism. Your blood will circulate better too. 

You just can’t do anything about the genetics you received from your parents. Fast metabolism is a good thing, even if it hinders your weight gain goals. 

My advice: Accept it and move on.